Policy Sections
Board Governance (Code: A/B)
Non Discrimination (Code: AC)
Discrimination Complaint Procedure (Code: AC-AR)
Every Student Belongs (ACB)
Conflict of Interest (Code: BBFA)
Board Electronic Communications (Code: BD)
Public Charter School Board Meetings/Regular Board Meetings (Code: BD/BDA)
Executive Sessions (Code: BDC)
Public Comment in Public Charter School Board Meetings (Code: BDDH)
Administration (Code: C)
Employment Contracts and Evaluation Policy (Code: CB)
Fiscal Management (Code: D)
Board Designated Funds Policy (Code: DFA)
Investment Policy (Code: DFA)
Disposal of Property Policy (Code: DN)
Public Charter School Purchasing (Code: DJ)
Internal Controls Policy & Bidding Requirements (Code: DJC)
Bidding Requirements (Code: DJC-1)
Personal Services Contracts (Code: DJCA)
Support Services (Code: E)
Safety Program (Code: EB)
First-Aid (Code: EBBA)
Injury/Illness Reports (Code: EBBB)
Personnel (Code: G)
Personnel Policies (Code: GB)
Equal Employment Opportunity (Code: GBA)
Veterans Preference (GBA-AR)
Workplace Harassment (Code: GBEA)
Communicable Disease Staff (Code: GBEB)
Sexual Harassment (Code: GBN/JBA)
Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure (GBN/JBA-AR)
Reporting Requirements Regarding Sexual Conduct with Students (Code: GBNAA)
Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements (Code: GBNAB)
Oregon Family Medical Leave (Code: GCBDA/GDBDA)
Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance (Code: GCBDF/GDBDF)
Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting (Code: GCDA/GDDA)
Instruction (Code: I)
Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention, Health Education (Code: IGAEB)
Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilities (Code: IGBAB/JO)
Bilingual Education (Code: IGBI)
Electronic Communications System (Code: IIBGA)
Field Trips and Special Events (Code: IICA)
Student Promotion and Retention (Code: IKE)
Graduation Requirements (Code: IKF)
Modified Diploma (Code: IKF-AR)
Credit Options Policy (Code: IKH)
Graduation Exercises (Code: IKFB)
Assessment Program (Code: IL)
Students (Code: J)
Equal Educational Opportunity (Code: JB)
Educational Equity (Code: JBB)
Student Enrollment Policy (Code: JBA)
Sexual Harassment (Code: JBA/GBN)
Service Animal Policy (Code: JBB)
Attendance Policy (Code: JE)
Compulsory Attendance Notice (Code: JEA)
K & 1st Grade Early Admission Policy (Code: JEBA)
Student Absences and Excuses (Code: JED)
Pregnant and Parenting Students (Code: JFE)
Student Rights and Responsibilities (Code: JF/JFA)
Student Conduct (Code: JFC)
Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media (Code: JFCEB)
Teen Dating Violence, or Domestic Violence - Student (Code: JFCF)Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing, Cyberbullying, or Teen Dating Violence Reporting Procedures – Student (Code JFCF - AR)
Prevention-Oriented Student Health Services and Plan Requirements (Code: JHC)
Communicable Diseases Students (Code: JHCC)
First Aid - Infection Control (Code: JHCCA)
Directory Information Policy (Code: JOA)
Use of Tobacco, Alcohol or Drugs (Code: JFCG/JFCH/JFCI)
Weapons in the Schools (Code: JFCJ)
Threats of Violence (Code: JFCM)
Student Discipline (Code: JG)
Corporal Punishment (Code: JGA)
Use of Restraint and Seclusion (Code: JGAB)
Suspension (Code: JGD)
Discipline of Students with Disabilities (Code: JGDA/JGEA)
Expulsion (Code: JGE)
Administering Student Medication (Code: JHCD_JHCDA)
Medications**/* (Code JHCD/JHCDA)
Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements (Code: JHFE)
Reporting Requirements Regarding Sexual Conduct with Students (Code: JHFF)
Student Fees, Fines and Vandalism (Code: JN)
Personally Identifiable Information (Code: JOB)
Community Relations (Code: K/L)
Parental Rights (Code: KAB)
Public Records (Code: KBA)
Public Records Request Procedure (Code: KBA-AR)
Facility Use (Code: KG)
Public Complaints (Code: KL)
Public Complain Procedure (Code KL-AR)
Welcome to the Metro East Web Academy Online Policy Manual
You can browse through the policy sections in the menu to the left.
For more information about our policies contact: Kristina Verbruggen,
Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director
Metro East Web Academy
Please Note: There is a delay between the time the board makes policy changes and the time those changes are available on this site. The policies on this site are for information only and do not reflect any updating activities in progress. Official policies and administrative regulations are available from: Hillary Radford, Administrative Assistant to the Principal <radford@mewebacademy.org> at 503-258-4790.
All Policies © Copyright 2016 Oregon School Boards Association
OSBA does not assume and disclaims any and all responsibility for the accuracy, legality and content of the Metro East Web Academy policies provided on this site.
All policy documents on this Web site are provided in Acrobat PDF Format.